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Accessing Lc65+ data

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Accessing Lc65+ data

The active promotion of data utilization among external researchers aligns with the broader objective of fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the research community. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Submission of a concise protocol to the email address research.lc65@unisante.ch using this template. To help researchers establish a list of variables, all questionnaires as well as a data dictionary are available here (only in French).
  2. Evaluation of the protocol by the scientific committee based on ethical considerations, data protection, scientific quality, and potential overlap with ongoing or completed projects. A project with comments and/or requested modifications from the scientific committee may be resubmitted, accompanied by a point-by-point answer to all comments.
  3. Signing of a data transfer agreement.
  4. Transmission of a data extraction by the Lc65+ data manager.
  5. Annual updates from the responsible applicant on the progress of the project, any difficulties encountered or changes to the schedule.


External researchers have the discretion to choose whether:

  • to conduct the project independently, without involvement from members of the Lc65+ steering committee or scientific committee.
  • to collaborate with us, adhering to authorship rules such as the criteria from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.


All publications of the results shall acknowledge the role and contribution of the Lc65+ funders, available here.


Lc65+ study

The Lausanne cohort 65+ (Lc65+) study is a research platform that aims to gain new knowledge on frailty in the general population from the age of 65 years onwards. Manifestations of frailty, medical and psycho-social risk factors, and the effects of frailty on health, functional status, and use of health services are central to the research conducted in the Lc65+ project.
