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Study design

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The Lc65+ project is a longitudinal population-based study focusing on the development of frailty after the age of 65.

The Lc65+ cohort consists of three successive samples randomly selected every 5 years from the Lausanne city population office.

Subjects, approximately 1,500 in each sample, are enrolled according to two criteria : a private home address in the city of Lausanne and a year of birth defined by the year of enrollment.

Two exclusion criteria apply: presence of severe cognitive troubles precluding a response to questionnaires and end-of-life situations.


Sample Enrolement year Birth year
(before World War II)
2004 1934-1938
(during World War II)
2009 1939-1943





Three successive samples were randomly selected every 5 years :





Lc65+ study

The Lausanne cohort 65+ (Lc65+) study is a research platform that aims to gain new knowledge on frailty in the general population from the age of 65 years onwards. Manifestations of frailty, medical and psycho-social risk factors, and the effects of frailty on health, functional status, and use of health services are central to the research conducted in the Lc65+ project.
